The Negotiation Seminar – Concept from real life
In the seminars, the participants receive a set of methods and tools that they can use immediately in their day-to-day business. We adapt the training content individually to your needs through practical examples and real negotiation situations from the daily business of the participants.
The seminars are highly interactive, practice-oriented and fun – which is one of the key prerequisites for a lasting development of competences. The negotiation seminars are customised to the needs of employees. Switching methods at high frequency, coupled with the innovative use of business actors guarantees lasting success of the seminar.
Our individual workshops are structured to provide company-wide standardized and systematic negotiation methods with cultural adaptations. The coach in charge knows the language and understands local customs and culture.
Success factors
The trainers provide a creative and motivating atmosphere and deliver sustainable transfer into everyday business.
Success of our clients
Statistics have shown that through the seminars as well as proactive and structured negotiation preparation an average of 10% savings could be achieved.
Our In-house Seminars: Professional Negotiation
Negotiations are always prepared according to the same pattern: Defining the starting position, setting goals, selecting the strategy and tactics. In this seminar, you will become familiarised with…
Most negotiations are lost at the relationship level. What is often forgotten here: our negotiation partner is also a person with needs and goals. The person who recognises them can achieve better negotiation results.
A Holistic Approach to Negotiation
What influence do body language and mimic have? How do I detect lies in negotiations? What strategy do I use for what types of behaviour? What works well and what does not?
From Negotiater to Relationship Manager
Delivery bottlenecks and price hikes are just two of the many challenges to be mastered. Those who have an effective relationship management with their suppliers clearly have the edge in this!
“The worm must taste good to the fish and not the firshman” is an old and saying. One of the biggest mistakes in leading negotiations is when you use arguments that you yourself find plausible and motivational.
Sellers Market – Crisis or Opportunity
The job of a purchaser or a seller is not an easy one these days. Unreliable supply chains, rising raw materials prices, bottlenecks in logistics, coupled with the effects of politically insecure times are just some of the current challenges.
Further Seminar Topics:
- Negotiating under pressure
- Intercultural negotiation
- Understanding your counterpart in negotiations
- Professional negotiations using cost analysis
- How to negotiate with a monopolist
- Negotiating with boxing strategies
- Negotiating with a business actor
- Negotiating for everybody
- Negotiating over the phone
Digital Formats
Besides our In-house Seminars we offer digital lectures and webinars.
Speakers and Trainers
Highly qualified negotiation experts with procurement and sales background from renowned and successful corporations. These experts possess a deep understanding of diverse industry sectors and cultures.
Why Seminars of the Frieder Gamm Group?
Our trainers are passionate negotiators and motivate your employees.
Our trainers are buyers. They receive high acceptance from participants with a purchasing background. Participants with a sales background appreciate the purchasing perspective.
Think outside the box
Our trainers find creative solutions for the most difficult negotiations.
All trainers have held high positions in leading corporations.
In-house Certification Process
Our internal trainer examination guarantees that we offer a global and uniform negotiation concept in 7 languages.