Negotiation training: Get in the ring with us!
Your practical cases – our negotiation experts. Get into the ring with us and practice on your own practical cases. In this negotiation training, we work as a team on a holistic video-life-analysis.
Negotiation training with boxing strategies
The original concept of the Frieder Gamm Group.
The physically inferior Muhammad Ali versus the invincible George Foreman – a good example of learning negotiation strategies? Definitely with the negotiation experts of the Frieder Gamm Group!
In our negotiation training, as in the legendary boxing match “Rumble in the Jungle,” we develop sophisticated strategies, clever feints, and rule-compliant deception, so that you can successfully assert yourself in an apparently weaker negotiation position.
We transfer “Rumble in the Jungle” into your negotiation environment in everyday life and at work. Because not only in boxing matches, exact knowledge of your opponent’s and your own strengths and weaknesses is the most important prerequisite for finding a successful strategy – with a successful end.