Reference project:
Siemens an example for a worldwide rollout

Training of the entire purchasing organization across the Group and worldwide across all Siemens divisions
Development and implementation of an international seminar concept “Negotiation Excellence“ for the global purchasing organization in 18 countries with more than 1,100 buyers.
Implementation of a globally uniform and systematic negotiation approach with cultural adaptation for the professionalization of national and international purchasing organizations.
Development of a 2-module seminar series on “Negotiation Excellence“.
The implementation was carried out by 8 FGG trainers, who trained 1100 buyers from 53 nations and 223 cities, from 308 SIEMENS locations and from 503 different purchasing departments in 18 countries.
The theory and practice were linked according to the needs of SIEMENS. Very innovative was the use of professional business actors who, based on genuine SIEMENS negotiation cases, challenged the participants in a realistic manner.
The SIEMENS purchasers work worldwide according to the same negotiation standards and speak the same “language of negotiation“.
Uniform methods are used for the preparation and conduct of negotiations with the result of a group-wide improvement of the negotiation results.